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AGREENOVA`s unique methodology has been developed from the ground up to satisfy the clients and investors particular demands. We set the goals at the start of each project before understanding the local economic and agricultural situation on ground. Local territory in data collection, market research, analysis and interpretation, both inside and outside agribusiness and the industrial sector, are fundamental to maximize the project results.
Understanding the agricultural (business) opportunities - from soil to markets, the AGREENOVA Way:
A systematic, and multi-phased approach.
  • More than 160 expeditions since 2007
  • Approximatly 3.000 soil samples collected
  • Over 12.000 georeferenced photos taken

  • Over 2,500 points of interest gathered

  • More than 300 meetings with local leaders and communities

  • Suitability tests for 21 different crops

  • More than 30.000 Km travelled for in field studies

  • More than 242 million hectares studied

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